January 14, 2025


This is an opinion editorial by Holly Young, Ph.D., an active builder in the Portuguese Bitcoin community.

The number of people buying and using Bitcoin is on the rise. Jason Deane calculated that in the first six months of 2021, the number of Bitcoin users grew by about 165 people per minute. It sounds like a lot — right?

But we need to get to a point where Bitcoin takes its place in common parlance and we all have a role to play.

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve been through the personal epiphany which is the “discovery” of Bitcoin. Most of us can recognize the stages in others too. We tend to move from skepticism to a tentative trying out of Bitcoin and a small investment, a (usually brief) phase in which we think this or that altcoin is also a viable investment (be honest, you probably did too at some point and no, it wasn’t just the state of the market at the time – doing your own research also includes at least considering the other options before concluding that maximalism is the way forward). And then comes the fall — for most of us precipitous and irreversible — down the rabbit hole. In that phase, we can’t get enough. We’re hungry for real information about money. Most of us have been that person who sits for 30 minutes in a stationary car at their destination to listen to the last bit of the podcast as the penny drops. Not just one penny, but a shining cascade of them. I know I have.


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