May 18, 2024
Expert Advice on Managing Dental Emergencies

It’s crucial not to underestimate the severity of any emergency dental work orlando fl, such as injuries to the teeth or gums. Neglecting these issues can lead to irreversible harm and the need for more extensive and costly treatment in the future.

Here’s a brief overview of what actions to take for common dental problems.


Start by thoroughly rinsing your mouth with warm water. Use dental floss to remove any trapped food particles. If there’s swelling, apply a cold compress to the outer area of your mouth or cheek. Avoid placing aspirin or any painkiller directly on the gums near the affected tooth, as it may cause gum tissue damage. Make an appointment with your dentist without delay.

Chipped or broken teeth

Preserve any broken fragments and rinse your mouth with warm water. If there’s bleeding, use a piece of gauze on the area for around 10 minutes or until the bleeding subsides.

Lost tooth

Locate it, rinse the root with water if necessary, and avoid scrubbing or removing any attached tissue. If possible, reinsert it correctly into the socket without force. If not, keep it in your mouth or in a container with milk or a cell growth medium like Save-a-Tooth, and see a dentist promptly. The sooner you act, the better the chances of saving the tooth.

Something stuck between teeth

Attempt to gently remove it with dental floss. If unsuccessful, consult your dentist. Avoid using sharp objects like pins, as they can cause gum cuts or tooth surface scratches.

Missing filling

To alleviate the discomfort caused by a cavity, insert a sugarless gum or utilize an over-the-counter dental cement. Seeking immediate dental attention is crucial. If faced with a partially dislodged tooth, contact your dentist without delay. Prior to the dental appointment, mitigate the pain by applying a cold compress to the affected area on the outside of the mouth or cheek. In case of necessity, consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Loose brackets or bands

If you notice any loose brackets or bands on your braces, it is important to address the issue promptly. Instead of attempting to fix it yourself, schedule an emergency dental work orlando fl appointment with your orthodontist as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use orthodontic wax or a small piece of gauze to cover the loose bracket or band and prevent any discomfort. Avoid trying to remove or adjust them yourself, as this could cause further damage.

Broken braces and wires

If your braces are causing discomfort, try applying a small amount of orthodontic wax. Another option is to use the wax as a cushion over the braces. It’s important to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist to address the issue promptly. If a band becomes loose, save it and contact your orthodontist to have it securely reattached or replaced. Additionally, any missing spacers should be replaced during this appointment.


Abscesses are infections that can develop around the root of a tooth or in the area between the teeth and gums. This condition is quite serious and has the potential to harm surrounding tissues and teeth. If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of the body.


Any damage to your mouth that causes uncontrollable bleeding, intense discomfort, or fractured facial bones is considered a dental emergency. Untreated, a dental emergency can lead to even more problems, such as infection spread, tooth movement, and even tooth loss. Prompt and timely therapy is critical. The first thing you should do if you have a emergency dentist orlando is call your dentist. Then, until you can go to their office, follow the methods given here.